Friday, July 21, 2017

Top 5 Benefits of Outsourcing IT Through Managed Services

Just until a few years ago, business owners, especially the start-ups or ones who have small scale investments worried about the IT set up and resources that estimated a piled-up expense. However, with the concept of outsourcing all the IT tasks, it became easier and manageable. Outsourcing is a business strategy that has proven its efficiency in establishing businesses faster and allowing them to cut excess costs, thereby promoting a convincing business structure. IT managed service providers have performed outstandingly to offer more tangible benefits to small as well as large scale businesses.

Top 5 Benefits of Outsourcing IT Through Managed Services

Read further to understand the reason why outsourcing IT operations and maintenance has found greater acceptance in the past few years.

Drastic Fall in Operational Costs:
Moving the IT off-site can result in huge savings for businesses. As this is the main driver for decision making for small businesses, cost consideration draws in the interest of business owners. The hardware expenses, cabling, storage, data-center, servers, etc. are taken care of by the cloud vendor.

Inexpensive Upgrades:
IT demands regular updates and outsourcing IT means the updates are the responsibility of the managed IT service provider and not the business. Sometimes, it is obvious for the non-IT persons to skip or ignore a few updates that could offer something more to their business. When trained IT professionals take charge of a company’s IT requirements, they become liable for any further upgrades, of course at a nominal fee.

Undivided Attention on Core Business Activities:
There’s intense competition on the market and survival of businesses depends on stringent lines. If non-IT people spend their precious time in understanding IT, they might lose on something that they are good at that would fetch better returns.

Better Disaster Management:
Natural disasters may occur at any time and could cost a huge loss to the business data. Most businesses are not well-equipped for recovery options in case of these unexpected disasters. Outsourcing to an IT expert would take this worry away as they are designed to handle such crisis without letting any harm done to your routine operations.

Increased Productivity:
Organizations who have a smooth IT infrastructure have reportedly been performing well consistently. A qualified managed service provider contributes so much to the business that the overall productivity automatically increases.

The Net Activity team complements core businesses by taking charge of their complete IT operations and has successfully partnered with hundreds of organizations to help them save considerably on their IT spending. You can benefit by hiring our reliable IT managed services. We are just a call away. Call us at 888-545-5346 to know more details or visit to browse through our service offerings.

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Why Cloud Computing is The Right Choice for Your Hospitality Business?

Hospitality industry undergoes rapid turbulence as it needs to adapt itself to the constantly evolving lifestyle trends. Customers look for more convenience and prefer those organizations who pamper their needs the most. Economy is tough on the hospitality industry and with a huge competition in the market; it has become more difficult to survive. Cloud computing offers a cost-effective solution to hospitality businesses while minimizing risk and increasing scalability.

With cloud computing, hospitality industries experience a higher return on their investments and allow them to experiment more on newer technological aspects that focus on customer retention and appreciation. Cloud computing services make applications run faster and considerably less expensive for a low monthly subscription or an annual fee. It completely eliminates the need of investing heavily on expensive hardware and thereby reducing the financial risks associated with maintaining the infrastructure. Moreover, the cloud keeps your data secure by offering added protection from hackers which reduces the risks of a security breach. There are automatic updates at virtually no cost which means added convenience for users.

Specifically, for the hospitality industry, the cloud provides a platform that eases human resource management, inventory tracking, ordering, processing orders, and providing point-of-sale facilities.Additionally, the cloud allows faster reservations, promotions, loyalty rewards, and customer feedback. It is a package that serves the complete processes of the hospitality industry and ensures reliability while providing business owners the time to look into core business operations and plan for expansion or diversification. Cloud can accommodate unplanned expansions too and is simple to use.Regardless of all these features, cloud services ensure that the staff and consumers have the relevant information on their fingertips which builds trust in them and hence prospers business. 

Hospitality industries are progressing with the advent of cloud computing solutions for their businesses and as a result many cloud computing service providers are flooding in with appealing plans. However, it is important to make a rational choice and hire the services of a reliable cloud computing solutions provider. Net Activity Inc. has been in the industry for more than 15 years and has technical expertise that has delivered proven benefits to many industries in Ohio and across the United States. To know more about our service offerings, please visit or contact us at 888-545-5346.

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