Tuesday, March 14, 2017

IT Suffering from Bad Weather Conditions in Cleveland : What is the Solution

On Wednesday, the March 9th 2017, Cleveland was struck by heavy, strong winds and many businesses suffered huge downtime issues. The winds were harsh on the roads and in offices too as there was no internet connectivity. Many of the business owners faced serious network failures and had to stay off as a consequence. At some places, the power outage was so serious that it is said that there would be no power till Saturday. People are even not able to access their emails on the local exchange server. One of our clients faced an unexpected internet failure while they tried to fix somebody else’s cable.

Then and now, IT security has always been a crucial component and a key concern for every business. Business data is important and it has to be secured. However, natural calamities like the wind that hit Cleveland yesterday are things beyond control and enterprises must have a plan B. Nevertheless, businesses must have a backup solution to prevent unexpected data loss due to natural calamities.

Is Cloud the solution?

Yes. Cloud providers host your backups on their servers. It is as simple as connecting to the server via an internet connection and backing up the data. Interestingly, you don’t need to invest in infrastructure, IT resources or maintenance as everything is managed by the cloud providers. Moreover, the cloud backup solution is very scalable. It is very affordable and easily accessible. The cloud servers are scalable and can be easily set up in just a few hours.

How can Office365 help?

Microsoft Office 365 is an effective tool that protects sensitive information. The Office 365 features standard data loss prevention (DLP) policy which identifies, monitors, and protects your sensitive information. It prevents accidental sharing of your sensitive information and helps users to learn how to stay compliant without interrupting the workflow.

Net Activity, Inc. has been serving clients across the Ohio state since 2002. The team suggests using Cloud services and Office 365 to build a protected IT network management system that does not interrupt business workflows in spite of natural calamities or any threatening cyber-attack. We are a Microsoft Cloud Partner and offer complete IT solution to businesses including unlimited remote and telephone support, monthly preventive maintenance, 24x7x365 server monitoring, and all what you expect from an IT Managed Provider. Our Cloud services in Cleveland are one of the most reliable and economical solutions to your data security. We can discuss further – visit or get in touch with Harry Bhatia at 888-545-5346 and we would be happy to get your business data protected. http://www.netactivity.us/contact-us

Source: http://www.netactivity.us/blog/it-suffering-from-bad-weather-conditions-in-cleveland-what-is-the-solution/

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