Thursday, July 14, 2016

How to Verify the Effectiveness of Your IT Managed Services

Congratulations! You have finally found your IT partner. However, have you verified their services? Psst… Don’t say you haven’t! Obviously, you don’t wish to face a terrible IT crisis after paying huge sums of money to your Managed Service Provider (MSP). It’s important to verify the effectiveness of your IT managers as they are the ones who you rely upon for your network security.
So, how will you verify the efficiency of your IT Managed Network Security Service Provider? It is essential to understand a raw fact that for vendors, an extra margin (profit) rests in professional services, software licenses and maintenance – NOT the hardware. Therefore, vigilance on these parameters can be dangerous if ignored. You must analyze some critical points at your end before hiring a Managed IT Service Provider for your business:
  • Does your service provider have positive customer references? Irrespective of the lucrative offers and services they boast of, you must ensure whether they are practically delivered.
  • Is the team equipped with the latest competitive infrastructure to support your network needs? It is important to confirm this because it is they who are going to support your network requirements in case any emergencies occur.
  • Have you got the terms & conditions verified by an expert? The undertakings must be clearly mentioned and communicated.
  • Are there penalties for non-performance?
  • Are the service level requirements clearly mentioned?

Next, here are some points to observe after you have hired the services of the MSP:

  • Is your provider proactively taking necessary steps to avoid break-offs?
  • Is your IT service provider able to resolve unexpectedly arisen issues?
  • Is the MSP keeping your data secure & taking measures to prevent hacking episodes?
  • Is the team you hired available for a 24×7 service?
  • Do the network security providers show patience while solving your issues?
  • Do they have the necessary knowledge and expertise to handle the complexities of your data and other related issues?
  • Do they understand your network and data related problems well?
  • Do you have any clause to escape the agreement if there is any mishandling or loss to the business?
Trust, but Verify – an excellent phrase that explains almost everything very simply. Net Activity, Inc. is a trusted team of professionals doing just what you were looking out for – Securing your data physically as well as on the cloud. We have helped many businesses survive through the major IT breakdowns and excel in monitoring data for smooth and secure operations. For further discussion on how we have been able to maintain authenticity from our clients, visit or call Harry Bhatia at 2165035150 X 206.

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