Thursday, June 11, 2015

What is Cloud Computing Services?

Cloud computing is one word that is abuzz every time you speak to somebody related to data storage and computing. Cloud earlier conjured the romantic rainy time with the sun playing hide-n-seek. Cloud computing has nothing to do with the rains but, it is a general term that is used for delivery of hosted services over the internet. In simple words, accessing and storing your data over the internet instead of the computer’s hard drive. 


Normally every computer uses stores data on the computer’s hard drive which is called local storage. You can easily and quickly access this data through a local network. Data stored and accessed over the internet which can be accessed online anywhere and anytime.  

All your data and information is stored securely in the cloud which can be easily accessed and shared, interpreted and standardized for growth of the business. This cloud technology is very useful for every business, be it an established organization or start-up business.

Cloud Computing services 

Leading IT companies offer cloud computing services for the customers.  Economic pressures restrict the growth of any business. The goals set by every business house can be achieved through computing systems which advance business operations to achieve seamless scalability for innumerable functions that are performed.

Cloud technology produces calculable return on investment which augments innovation and production ultimately reducing the costs of the organisation. Another benefit is that database can be accessed anytime from anywhere over a secure network. 

  • Rental firewall services
  • Support for your personal laptop and computers
  • Hosted exchange services
  • Fire suppression
  • Security of SAS 70 type II datacenter
  • Redundant email servers
  • Redundant Microsoft licenses on monthly basis
  • Redundant servers with automatic fallover
  • Redundant power feeds and generators
  • Dual spam filter
  • Online backups for 6 months
  • Easy database access from anywhere
Net Activity Inc offers cloud computing services at most reasonable rates. Every service is manned by expert staff who provide dedicated support and service to every client.  Looking out for customised cloud storage solutions that is gives you a competitive edge over your competitors. Install the IT services solutions now and get the benefit to control your business efficiently.

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