Monday, January 16, 2017

Review This Checklist When Outsourcing IT Help Desk Support

Outsourcing any sort of IT services brings in a unique set of worries to the business owners. Where do I start? How do I find a trustworthy and knowledgeablemanaged IT service provider? Will they help if my whole system crashes? Will I lose all my data? The list of doubts is endless.

Outsourcing IT help desk support is one of the most important strategic decisions and you want to make sure that your data is safe throughout the contract period. Here’s a list of questions you need to ask before finalizing the deal with an IT help desk support provider.

  • Is comprehensive network assessment included? Taking down the details will save on time later on. Having a well-documented overview of your network as well as your IT service provider will save time and confusion.
  • Are they providing you a signed service agreement? This will clear up any confusion about legal and billing jumbos. It is the best way out to set expectations.
  • Will they assign a specific engineer to your account? While this would not be possible for larger entities, having a dedicated engineer for your company would be beneficial at times, but it also limits the range of support that can be available to you. On the contrary, having multiple engineers on your team broadens the amount of expertise and experience available to you.
  • Do they have a separate telephone line to answer your queries?  Most of the IT companies have a separate line for support instead of the administrative office. You should know the details in case of an emergency.

When are their off hours?What are the charges for emergency support? Any notable IT company will offer a higher rate for their emergency support services. You should have information about the charges so that you will be ready in the event of an emergency.

Seeking answers to these questions from your IT managed service provider would make it easier to initiate terms of communication and have a long-term contract. If you are looking for a reliable IT Managed Services Support provider in Cleveland, Net Activity, Inc. holds a strong reputation for providing 24x7 help desk support to its clients since 2002. In case you need to know about our services in detail, please contact Harry Bhatia at 2165035150 X 206 or visit


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cloud Computing Enters Phase 2 – Centralization to Decentralization

Cloud computing is all about centralization i.e. the ability to push servers and workloads that run on expensive on-premise facilities to more affordable systems on clouds. This in turn allows businesses to share resources with other tenants to increase the overall efficiency by reducing costs. Centralization facilitates a single location for data that may have once existed in many enterprise silos. Moreover, it allows users to manage processes and systems centrally with a single set of tools.

Despite all the positives of centralization, the cloud is likely to shift to a distributed approach (decentralization) over the next decade. Centralization can be termed as the Phase 1 of the Cloud Computing era while decentralization is the Phase 2. It focuses on moving the data processing back to the consumers of those processes and data. So, the Phase 2 has recreated the notion of client/server computing, with the cloud being the server and workloads excluding their applications or data moving back to the clients.

This shift is not necessarily a complete change, as the workload will move closer to those who use them, while remaining centrally managed and controlled. In spite of being executed across a widely distributed architecture, they will remain logically centralized whether or not their processing and bits are physically distributed.

The cloud platform automates the distribution of workloads on private cloud instances, which are paired closely with the centralized public clouds. While it may seem like the workloads are residing in the public cloud, they are actually deployed in a hybrid-like distributed architecture. Cloud computing technology enforces flexibility to such a surprising extent. Ironically, once we move to a centralized cloud-based architecture, all possibilities are open including putting the workloads back on-premises, minus the silos.

The Net Activity, Inc. team can help you with your migration to the cloud. We are uniquely positioned as leaders in the cloud infrastructure services network and provide cloud computing solutions which let you have a competitive edge over other businesses. Please visit for more details. You can also call Harry Bhatia at 2165035150 X 206 to discuss further.
